Most of the wordy posts on this blog are from the email journal I kept during my years with the narc. I am now narc-free. The dates of the journal entries don't matter much, because the only things I wrote about were: 1. How crazy I felt and/or 2. How I was going to make this work. I left him so many times, I lost track. This time is for good, though. I know too much. I am keeping this blog for my own healing and processing, but I welcome you here with open arms. If you have been abused by a narcissist, I hope you are on your way out and find solidarity here.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Contorting and Chastising Myself, Always

no feeling bad
no obsessing

it does you no good

just go with the flow
don't be co-dependent
follow your heart

show a little restraint

but don't suffocate yourself, 
for goodness sake

and don't kick yourself
for being you

touch base if you want
pull back if you want

let your body be a guide
you are finding your way

this round is new
and you are finding your way

don't think you are so important 
and read things into things

just chill and lighten up sister

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