Most of the wordy posts on this blog are from the email journal I kept during my years with the narc. I am now narc-free. The dates of the journal entries don't matter much, because the only things I wrote about were: 1. How crazy I felt and/or 2. How I was going to make this work. I left him so many times, I lost track. This time is for good, though. I know too much. I am keeping this blog for my own healing and processing, but I welcome you here with open arms. If you have been abused by a narcissist, I hope you are on your way out and find solidarity here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

NPD Trait #20

NPD Trait #20

He lacks affect and looks sad most of the time.  

Kinda like Eeyore.

And Oscar.
Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

You Hoover, I Live

He broke through my well-guarded castle walls today.  After my initial sense of disease and disequilibrium (no surprise there~it threw me off), this is how I felt:

NPD Trait #21

NPD Trait #21

He hyperposts and gets into arguments on FB.  He has a strong feeling of righteous indignation.  

"I am saving the world.  Why do I have to be the only one that cares about saving the world?"

(To be fair, that is not a direct quote.  But that message comes across LOUD AND CLEAR via his FB posts.)

Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.   

Monday, June 16, 2014

Defy Gravity

No Day But Today

Life without a Narcissist

The Good

It feels wrong to remember any of the good.  

Dangerous.  Naive.  Stupid.  Ridiculous.

But ultimately, I want to feel compassion for him.  I know he doesn't "deserve" it, but grace is grace.  It will be from afar, to be sure.  

I believe this universe has energy and I want to be part of the pulse that is positive and loving.  I am going to go ahead and remember some of the good.  I believe he managed and existed the only way he knows how, being afflicted with NPD.  

All the tender things, the sweet things, the loving moments...those were all his attempt to FEEL.  Although they worked towards his ultimate goal of using me, I believe part of him really and truly wanted to FEEL and know love.  

So, I am going to remember the good with tenderness.  I want my heart to be soft, not hard.  No contact rules the day, but compassion is her servant.  

My Life with a Narcissist

NPD Trait #19

NPD Trait #19

He shrugs his shoulders, like, "Well?  It's true." 

This usually goes like this:
He insults you.
You confront him.
He shrugs.  ("Yah, and?")

Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

NPD Trait #18

NPD Trait #18

He talks about money.

"I'm broke."
"I have $1.54."
"I am not making any money."

(Then he will buy a new car.  Just for fun.)

Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits. 

NPD Trait #17

NPD Trait #17

He has a handful of traits that makes you think he can't possibly be narcissisticly disordered.

But he's seeing a therapist...
But he seemed so concerned when he lied to his daughters' mother...

(IGNORE that nagging voice that says, 
"Maybe he's not disordered.  
Maybe I am too sensitive.  Maybe, maybe, maybe..." 
TRUST your GUT.  
If he isn't disordered, he is just mean for no reason, 
and that is even worse, don't ya think?)  
 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #16

NPD Trait #16
He knows everything about everything and can fix anything, if you would just listen to him.  

"Why didn't you just...?"
"Did you...?"

(He will show you that he is more 
competent, and 
passionate about your line of 
work than you are.  It makes him feel big and smart.  
Meanwhile, his own career is tanking.)

Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #15

NPD Trait #15

He makes fun of you when you are angry or says you are a terrible arguer.  

"You're so cute when you get like that."
"I thought you'd be better at arguing.  You just say a bunch of gibberish."

 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #10

NPD Trait #10

He loves pity and sympathy.
(And you run out 
of ways to "encourage" him.)

"I have never been this low."

(You mean since yesterday, Buddy?)

NPD Trait #14

NPD Trait #14

He speaks very highly of himself 
and his greatness.

"I am the only one who knows how to do this."
"I am famous in this city."
"I'm scared of my greatness."

(And if you are really lucky, he will compare himself 
to Jesus and Superman.)

 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #13

NPD Trait #13

He will accuse others of behavior he is guilty of. 

"I'm not going to take  his bullying behavior."
"He's such a pathological liar, like you."

(Once you see this happening, it is uncanny to watch.)
 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #12

NPD Trait #12

He withholds sex.  

"I'm not motivated."

 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #11

NPD Trait #11

He (magically) makes you 
feel like the crazy one.  

"Okay, drama queen..."

(And you definitely FEEL batshit crazy.)

 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #9

NPD Trait #9

He says sexual things about other women.

"She'd be a good lay."

(And you are so zen and self-actuallized and confident that you will let him.  
You're not threatened.  No way.)

 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #8

NPD Trait #8

He speaks incessantly about himself.  

"Blah, blah, blah, blah....yada, yada, yada, yada."

(And on the rare occasion he asks you about yourself, you will be dumbfounded and not know what to say.  Then he can call you boring and confirm that his life is way more interesting than yours.)

NPD Trait #7

NPD Trait #8

He spews insults.


(That's my short list.  I allowed it because I came to believe those things were true about me and I deserved it.)

NPD Trait #6

NPD Trait #6

He uses hyperbolic language.  
"I can't breathe without you."
"I am dead without you."

(Those are the same thing, Buddy.)

NPD Trait #5

NPD Trait #6

He magically has you apologizing after you confront him about some of his bad behavior.  

And you end up thinking, "Wow, I really went off the deep end.  He is so forgiving."

(wth crazy shit is that?!@#  Seriously.
Every. Time.) 
 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #4

NPD Trait #4

He notices the bad, misses the good.

You clean the entire kitchen, but miss the freezer.  He notices and says, "What about the freezer?"

(You respond with, "I was just getting to that." to appease him and avoid his dissatisfaction instead of saying, "Clean the damn freezer yourself.  I'm going to bed.")

NPD Trait #3

NPD Trait #3

He commits to or promises something and 
then "changes his mind". 

(Hey, Buddy, that's called lying in my book.)

 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #1

 NPD trait #1

He questions simple decisions you make.

"Why did you buy that pineapple? 
Because you could?"

(Uh, no...I, uh, got it for Spongebob....)

 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

NPD Trait #2

NPD Trait #2

He uses an accusatory tone when 
one is not necessary.  
"What's your problem?"
"Could ya move outta the way?"

(Uh, well...I am thinking you are my problem and I need to be moving way way out of the way...)
 Disclaimer: These traits are my narc's special traits.  I am not in any way suggesting all narcs possess all of these traits.  

keep walking



never looked back

don't care


Quotes JD


Quotes JD


Quotes JD

just sayin'

Quotes JD

no more

Quotes JD



leave. it. be.


create space

nothing left

you are not my truth

walk away

you want this

you want me
to be crushed
and broken
and ashamed
and spineless

you want that

you kept beating me down

hoping one day i'd just be a
pitiful mess of nothingness

so you kept pounding

kept humiliating
kept abusing
kept doing what you do
eliminating me
because that's what you want

if you can eliminate me
then your problems are over

you don't have to contend with me
if you can just eliminate me

but maybe i give you too much credit

you want nothing but
to serve your own mean
and hateful self

blaming others for your messes
feeling powerless in all situations
that's all

just being your fucked up self
and dragging me down with you

all you want is to wallow

and everyone you touch
to feel the pain that
you feel

that's what you want
but you would never 'fess up
to that, would you?

no, because that would take some

self reflection
and who has time for that
when you are so busy wallowing
and pitying
and stressing
all the goddamn time?

all the time

no time to do anything else
but survive and think
about your own pitiful existence

i'm numb
and weary

but you wanted this
at any cost
even at the cost of my
very own essence
my very self

i am no longer the person you thought

you loved
i am no longer that person
responding to your every breath
your every request
your every wiggle

i am so tired
i just want to give up

and sleep for a very long time
and wake up and
it is over
and done
and i can pick up the pieces
and carry them around
for a very long time
until i can glue them back