Most of the wordy posts on this blog are from the email journal I kept during my years with the narc. I am now narc-free. The dates of the journal entries don't matter much, because the only things I wrote about were: 1. How crazy I felt and/or 2. How I was going to make this work. I left him so many times, I lost track. This time is for good, though. I know too much. I am keeping this blog for my own healing and processing, but I welcome you here with open arms. If you have been abused by a narcissist, I hope you are on your way out and find solidarity here.

Friday, December 19, 2014

I'm not building a fence 
to keep you out.
Hell to the no.

I will do no such thing.  
I get the expansive 
of the universe.

No.  No one's going 
to contain me up.

This is what I will do.

I will cage you up.
I will set you aside.
I will put you in a dungeon.  
I will lock the door.

And walk away.

You can dance.
You can cry.
You can laugh.
You can thrive.

You will do it on your own.
Have your cage.

But I get the rest of the cosmos.
I fly and zoom and flutter and dip
in and out of the stars.


Could not love him into love

I kick myself for hanging on for so long.

I feel silly, nay, stupid, for holding on so long.

I question my sanity for going back,

going back, going back so many times.

Then I think this:

I tried to love him into love.

But it was impossible.

He is forever

and always


Because he refuses to be loved.