Most of the wordy posts on this blog are from the email journal I kept during my years with the narc. I am now narc-free. The dates of the journal entries don't matter much, because the only things I wrote about were: 1. How crazy I felt and/or 2. How I was going to make this work. I left him so many times, I lost track. This time is for good, though. I know too much. I am keeping this blog for my own healing and processing, but I welcome you here with open arms. If you have been abused by a narcissist, I hope you are on your way out and find solidarity here.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Thank You

he's doing the 
exact same thing 
he always does

staying away
being strong

so, any notion that he should be 
"doing something" to "win me back" 
and i must not be "worth it" 
is totally ridiculous

i feel silly and playful
with this game

sure, my lower self is 
a little disappointed 
not to hear from him

but my higher 
and fuller 
and truer self 
is quite content 
that for whatever reason 
(it really makes no 
difference what the reason is)
he is leaving me alone

i am grateful
for every day

and sad 
just a touch
because letting go
is a little sad

and shifting my 
thoughts about him
is working
but sad
just a touch

and i kick some
into fear gear
thinking, what if this really works?
which makes me know
that i think it really can work

and then i breathe easy
and think sweetly
that this time it might really work

one step 
at a time

every day i do not contact him
every day he does not contact me
makes it even more likely
that this will work

and as i think of what might of happened
really think about it
physically what might have happened

i can sigh a sigh of relief
and thank the universe that i 
some how 
some how
some miraculous way how
made it here
and out

thank you universe
thank you thank you thank you

and thank you higher self
for loving yourself

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